Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What goes around, comes back around

Huí ha estat un dia de celebracions. En primer lloc ahir a la vesprada arribaven bones notícies des de Bocairent, sembla que la gent li ha tornat a dir al de sempre que no el volem més allà. Li vull donar l'enhorabona a Wayne i espere que actue amb seny per formar un grup de govern.
En segon lloc, huí es celebrava als EUA, Memorial Day, així que huí dilluns no hem tingut classes...i el que és més important...de huí en dues setmanes....I'll be on holidays, yeahhhh!!!

Com que aquest cap de setmana ha sigut de tres dies, vam fer unes escapadetes per les rodalies. El dissabte vam anar fins a Madison, la capital de la veïna Wisconsin. Ja havia estat dues vegades, però sempre havia vist els llac gelat.

Diumenge vam anar un poc més lluny, fins a New Glarus. És un poblet on encara parlen on poc de Swiss-German. Els colons que van anar allà eren se Suïsa, així que ens vam pegar 3 hores de cotxe per degustar formatge i la cervesa local New Glarus Naked....Ummmmm! Què bona!!!

After I talked to you on Saturday, I saw the e-mail you sent me just a few minutes before, and look at the plate number I saw on Sunday...ha, ha, ha...what a coincidence!!! I hope you had good fun on Saturday night at Madchester.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Wanda's Birthday

Aquest cap de setmana vam celebrar l'aniversari de Wanda i de la seua germana Miossotis. Elles són de Puerto Rico i l'any quer ve Wanda i jo ens n'anem a viure juntes a un acollidor apartament on ens podreu fer la visita. Núria, la meua actual "roommate" ha decidit que en un any ací ha tingut prou i ha decidit tornar a la terra de les palmeres, Elx, i és que el fred que hem patit aquest any ha passat factura a alguns de nosaltres...uns se'n van, però entren 11 nous...ja veurem.
Wanda i Miossotis ens van convidar a una BBQ en sa casa de Buffalo Grove, a uns 25 minuts de Gurnee i a mitat camí de Chicago. Vam passar una bona vesprada tots els quí vam anar: Nacho i Rocío, Jose i Rosa, Núria, Mónica, Wanda, Miossotis, Dj i Amiel, el fill dels dos últims.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Scotland the Brave!


..I va arribar el dia que el somni es va fer realitat...I'll keep dreaming...and maybe one day...the dream will become real here...Congratulations to all of you in Scotland, Seoul, England...

SNP triumphant ... but now real power play begins

THE SNP won the first election in its history in dramatic fashion yesterday, condemning Labour to defeat in Scotland for the first time in 50 years and changing the face of British politics for ever.
The Nationalists emerged as the largest party in the Scottish Parliament at the end of two chaotic and tense days of voting, counting and confusion.
The SNP secured a wafer-thin victory over Labour, by only one seat, with the result coming down to the final declaration from the Highlands and Islands.
In an election that was marred by the most serious problem with invalid voting papers that the country has seen, it took until 6pm yesterday - 20 hours after the polls closed - for Alex Salmond, the SNP leader, to claim victory.
His party won 47 of the 129 seats at Holyrood, with Labour one behind on 46. The Conservatives were third, with 17 MSPs, while the Liberal Democrats took 16 seats. The Greens were down to two MSPs, with Margo MacDonald, an independent, re-elected on the Lothians list. Mr Salmond was cheered by a triumphant crowd at the Hub in Edinburgh when he made his victory speech.