Thursday, July 06, 2006

Il Mascalzone & the Act 12

Well lads...this entry will be in English as Andreas asked me to do it in English, and I think he's right, I'll try to translate some of the entries from now on.
These pics were taken on Sunday, 2nd July. It was the Act 12's final of the Louis Vuitton. Unfortunately, "El Desafio Español" defeated "Il Mascalzone Latino" but I'm sure it was the last time they defeated you, If you have the new boat for next year, then this will be a different story...Andreas, I hope you are having a good time in Malmo, remember that when you come back, we have to go to Budha del Sol...


Anonymous said...

Una bona final, Itàlia contra un equip que em cau mal (encara que els Portuguesos crec que em fan més nossa) Espere que el Panellet no m'afecte la capacitat cognoscitiva!!
Si prefereixes que vejam el Rosari a la Malvarrossa amb Benet XVI puc trobar lloc a l'agenda.

Mila said...

Crec que el!!! A 6é vaig deixar eixes coses per a gent del poble que tenia més fe que jo...vam ser la primera generació en donar ètica a l'escola...Mai canviaria una final del Mundial per un Rosari. Ves buscant lloc per veure la final.
Baci azzurri.